the Major Arcanas

The Good Fortune 24 Major Arcana Tarot cards represent the life lessons. The karmic influences and the big archetypal themes that are influencing your life and soul journey. The meanings are deep and complex in beautiful and mystical ways!


the Minor Arcanas

The 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and tribulations that we experience on a daily basis. Even though the Minor Arcana cards are called ‘minor', it doesn't mean that these Tarot cards won't have a significant impact in your life. These cards relate to what's happening in your daily life, and can offer insight into how your present situation is affecting you and what steps you need to take to manifest your goals.


The Fool

Major Arcana


Standing on a cliff with an open posture, facing the elements and eager to start his adventure, the Fool symbolizes a man carelessly yet willingly embarking on a journey. The white rose in his hand is synonymous with purity and innocence, while he is carrying his own weight in the pouch on his shoulder.


A new beginning awaits you. Seize the day, take a leap of faith and follow your gut feeling.


The fear of failure is holding you from doing what you really want. You should try to act more carefree in order to live in the moment.

The Magician

Major Arcana


Here goes the Magician, one hand pointing to the sky and the other to the ground, thus joining the spiritual and material worlds together. With his tools all available on his workbench, a wand, cup, sword and pentacle, representing the four elements of our worldly experience, he is ready to create anything his imagination commands him to, and encourages us to do the same: act to make things happen for us, and use our willpower to bend our destiny and the world around us.


Act and communicate. Channel your creative energy to pursue your goal and make your own magic happen.


Something is preventing you from turning your vision into reality. Take the time to reflect and understand what it is.

The High Priestess

Major Arcana


The High Priestess card is all about the mysteries of our psyche and listening to our intuition. It displays a powerful woman seating on a throne between two columns, standing for strong and solid foundations. The moon crown resting on her head, showing three different phases of the moon (rising, waning and full moon), show for her divine femininity, but also for the darkness of the night and the secrets it beholds. This is a time when sitting in stillness and listening to your heart is in order. You already know which option feels right, and The High Priestess encourages you to remain true to that inner knowing.


Listen to yourself and trust your intuition. It alone holds the key to your deepest secrets.


Take time to reconnect with yourself. It’s time to unveil what's hidden. Open the door.

The Empress

Major Arcana


The Empress sits on her throne, wearing a long draped flowing dress. Don't be fooled by her relaxed pose, the scepter in her left hand reminds us of her strength and power over the kingdom of nature. With a Venus carved stone heart at her feet and the grain above her head, she symbolizes creativity, feminity, fertility, abundance, and growth, urging us to connect to the beauty of nature as well as our own.


Yield to your feminine energy to create something new and exciting. Recognize what you already have to harvest even more of life's fruits.


Release the struggle you are in. Something is blocking your creative abilities. If you let go, your energy and creativity shall flow again.

The Emperor

Major Arcana


The Emperor sits rigidly on his throne, quietly looking at us, ready to go into battle. He seems in control, a fixed and quiet force, focusing on his goals and looking towards the future. He inspires us to set some rules in order to achieve the things we most want in life.


You are about to take on a leadership role. Use it to inspire people around you and become an example for them.


Don't forget that the essence of a leader is to put his power and authority to the service of others.

The Hierophant

Major Arcana


Standing majestically between two columns which represent the entrance of a temple, the Hierophant, with his Pope crown, robe, shepard's staff and a parchment, stand for the sacred and spirituality. The key resting at his feet represents his spiritual power, while the three-armed cross stands for his domination over three worlds: terrestrial, spiritual and moral. He is the shepard of men guiding them with his light.


As a student or a teacher, regardless the position, you should share knowledge and wisdom with others. Get closer to your traditions.


You need to emancipate yourself from traditions if they don't align with your values and make you unhappy.

The Lovers

Major Arcana


The Lovers card represents love in every form, weither we are talking about self-love or romantic relationships. Adam represents our reason, Eve our sensitivity and the angel our spiritual side. In order to take the right decisions, we need to make those three aspects of our personnality agree. This card shows us that we need to follow our sensitivity over our reason and to use our heart as our compass.


You will meet your soulmate. Do everything with love, put love at the center of all or your actions. Follow your heart.


You have made the safe choice instead of listening to your heart and you are starting to regret it. You can't seem to listen to what your heart has to say somehow.

The Chariot

Major Arcana


The Chariot depicts a man capable of overcoming his inner tensions and contradictions - embodied by the two horses leading the chariot - to go into the right direction. There are no reins to lead the horses because just like our impulsive passions, we don't decide where they take us. The card invites us to take deliberate action to move ahead and reminds us to use the power of the will.


Stop planning everything and go for it. Your actions will bring victory.


Slow down, step back for a moment, maybe you are engaged in the wrong direction and need to turn back.

The Strength

Major Arcana


The Strength card shows a beautiful woman wearing a flower crown bending on an open-mouth lion which rests on her laps, suggesting a certain sexual energy. The lion stands for our animal part, our deepest and wildest instincts, that we are afraid to express. The woman is not trying to tame the lion, but to help him articulate something instead, showing us that the true strength lies in watching our instincts without judgment or brutality to hear what they have to tell us.


You are stronger than you think, you have the power to overcome any obstacle.


Something is standing in the way of your inner strength: arrogance, over-confidence or lack of self-confidence. In any case, be kind to yourself to redeploy it.

The Hermit

Major Arcana


The Hermit shows a lonely man amid his journey towards enlightement. He's holding a lantern in his right hand to find his path in the wilderness, but the light of the lantern is only so strong as to show what's just ahead, so he needs to rely on his own insight to guide him. Also, he doesn't light the whole way for others, but rather shows that there is a way, in a non-dogmatic approach. In his other hand, he is holding a long staff symbolizing the present, to stay connected to the ground. The moutain in the background shows how much he has overcome to get to there and thus encourages us to reflect on our own journey and experience.


This is a life-changing moment for you. Perhaps you are facing uncertainty in your life. Trust your gut and go with it. You will find the answers within you.


Remove yourself from the hustle of your daily life to hear your innver voice again.

The Wheel of Fortune

Major Arcana


The Wheel of Fortune quite vividly shows the ebbs and flows of life. Usually a good omen, it's a sign of good fortune and a reminder to go with the flow. It shows a wheel with three mystical creatures forming a whole around it: on the left, the snake going down represents Seth, evil and the negative force we can encounter in our life, on the right, the jackal going up represents Egyptian god of reincarnation Anubis, positive force and good versus evil, and the Sphinx, a mystical and hybrid creature part human and part animal, unites these opposite forces laying on top of the wheel with balance, not quite leaning one way or the other.


Your luck is about to change. Good fortune comes to those who wait.


Stop wanting to control everything.

The Justice

Major Arcana


Wearing a crown adorned with a stone on her head, symbolizing the sacred third eye, Lady Justice is seating on her throne with the scales of morality balanced, looking stern and rigid. Holding her sword aloft in her right hand, she is ready to deliver justice whenever the scales tip one way or the other. The two gray columns framing her figure symbolize impartiality, while her pose suggests balance: her sword points upwards while the scales point downwards. She invites us to be on our best moral behavior and to act with ingtegrity and righteousness.


Do the right thing and act in fairness with yourself and others. Maybe you need to rebalance things in your life.


An injustice has been done in the past. Maybe you have wronged somebody and it's time to make amends to be at peace again.

The Hanged man

Major Arcana


The Hanged man is resting upside down with one leg bent and the other tied to a tree, in what seems to be a very uncomfortable position. Yet, the man seems serene and accepting of his fate, a halo representing his sacred aura around his head. The man is bound by one foot only: one feet in the spiritual world, the other one free to step the material one. He is deprived of any sign of wealth and yet still standing, or a least hanging, and seems to know the difference between his ego and true self. He invites us to follow his example by stripping us of what we don't need to focus on the essential.


Accept the consequences of your actions with grace. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.


You have the wrong perception of a situation, remove your subjectivity in order to get a fuller picture. Accept things as they are rather than as you wish they woud be.

The Death

Major Arcana


The Death card shows a skeleton holding a scythe and woing death in its path, dropping human body parts and decapitated heads here and there. The sun rising in the background reveals that this card is actually more about change and transformation than about ending. It invides us to get rid of the old to make room for the new. In Tarot, death is not something to fear but a neutral force experienced by all in life, even by the greatest of men, like the fallen king's head lying on the floor suggests. We are all equal in the face of death.


Be ready to let go of the past to embrace change and be reborn like a phoenix.


Don't be afraid of the unknown, don't resist change.

The Temperance

Major Arcana


On this card, endlessly performing the same task of pouring water from one jug to another, the cardinal virtue of Temperance is embodied by an angel figure. Her robe is decorated with a breastplate illustrating a triangle which stands for harmony between spiritual and material worlds. Another sign of this polarization is the fact that she has one feet in a pond of water and another one on the land: she is standing between two shores, two realms, the spiritual and subconscious world and the material and conscious one. The mountain in the background shows that enlightment is still a long way to go, and yet the summit is in sight, inviting us to stay focused on our goal. This card is about equilibrium between two opposites.


You need to be moderate in all aspects of your life. Change takes time. Compose and compromise.


Moderate yourself, use self-restraint. Erase the excesses in your life, now is not the time for extreme reactions.

The Devil

Major Arcana


The Devil card is about temptation and indulgence to self-pleasures. The Devil, a monstruous creature part animal, part human, part good and part evil, is seating on a block in a pose that is a subversion of the angel's pose in the Lovers card. His right hand is open in a sign of transparency and he is holding a torch in his left hand, ready to shed some light on the darkest corners of our soul. At his feet stand two naked humans in chains, his hostages: a woman with a grapes tail, which represents drunkenness, and a man with a fire tail which represents lust, two sins that explain their presence in hell. They could probably set themselves free, but they won't somehow, just like any of us in a similar situation of alienation or addiction.


Something is holding you back. Let yourself go, explore your deepest fantasies and desires. Enjoy life's pleasures.


Sever the toxic ties in your life. Break free from an alienation or an addiction and you shall be rewarded.

The Tower

Major Arcana


The Tower card is about release. It illustrates the sudden changes that can affect our lives, through a burning and crumbling tower where men are falling from. An allusion to the tower of Babel, it was built by humans to protect them from life's hazards, and yet the hazard reaches the top of the tower or comes from the tower itself as it seems to have been built on rocky foundations. The lightning hitting the top of the tower, thus making its crown fall, offers us a humbling lesson: no one can escape from divine judgement, regardless of their social status or power. It also stands for the truth ready to shatter our prejudices all at once.


Something you didn't see coming is about to happen. Things are going to get worse before they can get better again.


You need to fix something you broke. Stand still and hold the fort, don't let everything collapse.

The Star

Major Arcana


This card shows many similarities with the Temperance card. It features a naked woman living in harmony with nature and visibly quite comfortable in her own skin kneeling by a pond, looking into it - a reference to the myth of Narcissus. Just like the Temperance before her, she is holding two jugs of water, with two streams coming out of them: one flowing to the ground, and the other one flowing back to the water, an illustration of the cycle of life. Above the woman is a sky constelled with eight stars, the biggest of them reminiscing the Evening star: she has found her place in the world and seems completely in harmony with her environnement, inviting us to do the same.


Go with the flow, don't force your nature. Know where you belong in the world.


You are in an uncomfortable position right now, feeling like you don't belong or like a fraud. You need to fix it.

The Moon

Major Arcana


This card represents the Moon high up in the sky, with three animals looking at it. The Moon is full, but also encompasses the sun and the crescent Moon, which stands for the unity between day and night. On either side of it stand a dog and a wolf, each representing our tamed and wild passions. Out of the ocean, a lobster, symbolizing our most primitive instincts and reptilian brain, is drawn towards the Moon as well. The gold drops coming out of the Moon, also present in the Tower card, represent the holiness that connects heaven and earth. The moon card is about hidden subconsciousness, animal instincts and dreaming.


Uncover what lies beneath. You ned to confront your dark side in order to face the truth.Your subconscious is trying to tell you something, pay attention to the signs.


You are in denial about something. You would rather stick to an illusion than discover a truth that might unsettle you.

The Sun

Major Arcana


Here comes the Sun right after the Moon, proudly taking center stage. If the Moon is all about subconsciousness and hidden instincts, the Sun, on the contrary, is all about consciousness, vitality, freedom and the part of our personnality we choose to expose to the world. Interestingly enough, the Sun chooses to illuminate others before itself. At the bottom of the card, a naked infant is riding a horse, joyful and carefree, with open arms and a welcoming pose reminding of the Fool's. Riding his horse confidently without holding the reins, he has nothing to hide, inviting us to ride life with the same gratitude and child-like attitutde.


You are doing good and it shows. You are beaming with contagious joy. Enjoy and celebrate your success!


Something is preventing you from enjoying yourself and the pleasures of life. Maybe it's guilt, or maybe you are too self-centered at the moment.

The Judgment

Major Arcana


This card signals the near end of the Fool's Journey. It represents Archangel Gabriel blowing his trumpet to wake the dead, thus illustrating our ability to wake up from old habits trough education and epiphanies. The Saint-Georges cross in the card represents victory over death. At the bottom of the card, three humans rise up to him out of their coffins, welcoming him with open arms, grateful for his goodness. This card is about renewal and transformation.


Your have found your true calling in life, or your soulmate. You are being called to something bigger. Something urges you to live the life you are meant to live.


You are choosing to ignore a revelation that was made to you. Don't miss out on this opportunity or you might regret it.

The World

Major Arcana


The World marks the end of the Fool's journey through the Major Arcana. It features a naked woman, wrapped in a piece of cloth, standing in the middle of wreath symbolizing both the cycles of life and of Tarot. She is carrying not one wand like the Magician before her but two, one in each hand, each representing the conscious I and the conscious you, and therefore the union between the subjective experience and the objective world. This ultimate card is about accomplishment and knowledge, it shows the unity between the being and the cosmos, the perfection of awakening and invites us to come full cycle just like this woman.


You have officially reached the best version of yourself, you are feeling full and accomplished, congratulations. Enjoy!


You are not quite there yet. You are hesitant in reclaiming your freedom, it all seems too good to be true. Don't loose faith and keep trying.

Ace of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Ace of Wands shows a hand magically emerging from a cloud of smoke holding a wand, symbolizing vitality, growth and life force.


Passion guides. A new energy urges you to create something. This is the moment.


You are feeling a creative frustration and are having trouble processing your ideas. Take a minute to reflect and don’t lose sight of your goals.

Two of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Two of Wands is about decision-making, and more specifically about the moment of reflection you take before going into action.


Take a minute to assess your chances, don't rush into anything.


You are having trouble to get a clear view of the situation.

Three of Wands

Minor Arcana


This card is about the conquest that comes after this moment of reflection, it is about growing and reaching new heights.


Broaden your horizons, start a new project, meet new people. Nothing can stop you.


You are afraid to leave your comfort zone. You might miss out on great experiences.

Four of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Four of Wands conveys the idea of engagment and community. This card celebrates all of the achievements you have made on your journey thus far and encourages you to keep going.


It's time to celebrate something: a wedding, a birth, a moving in… You are building strong solid foundations for your future.


You are afraid to commit to something or someone, or maybe you are about to break a promise you once made or a vow you once took.

Five of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Five of Wands symbolizes conflict, rivalry and competition. This card warns us of the pitfalls of conflict but also suggests that something good can come out of a conflict.


You are torn between conflicting desires, you are going in all directions and are having trouble focusing on one thing at a time.


You refuse to go into a conflict that doesn't interest you. You would rather leave the battle and remain independant.

Six of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Six of Wands celebrates victory over battle and success. It invites us to be grateful for our achievements and for those who helped us along the way.


Celebrate your success, you deserve it. Assume your leadership role.


You are feeling like you are not being recognized at your fair value.

Seven of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Seven of Wands illustrates endurance. It reminds us that after a freshly acquired victory, one shouldn't rest on his laurels.


You will need to rely on your self-confidence to face adversity. Hold on and don't give up.


You are about to surrender. You don't want to fight anymore, and it's taking a toll on you.

Eight of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Eight of Wands is about speed, the excitement of beginnings, movement and energy. It's a positive card, giving us a green light on our future projects.


All lights are green: seize the day and go ahead with your project. Your success might even exceed your expectations.


Things are not moving as fast as you would like, or too fast. Maybe now is not a good time to undertake anything.

Nine of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Nine of Wands conveys the idea of bitterness. This card tests our resilience and strength against adversity.


You are feeling overwhelmed by the situation. You need to perservere.


Things turn out to be simpler that they looked. You are reassured.

Ten of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Ten of Wands reveals the struggles of carrying a heavy burden. It encourages us to keep going.


You are carrying a load too heavy for your shoulders, and you are feeling both exhausted and overwhelmed as a result.


You need a break from your responsibilities. You are ready to drop everything to enjoy a well-deserved rest.

Page of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Page of Wands is about spiritual maturity and knowing our own desires. The card beckons us to pursue any opportunity and to manifest our visions into the world.


You are just uncovering a new passion of yours or awakening your curiosity to a new area.


You don't know what you want. You are feeling down, and other people's dreams and desires come before yours as a result.

Knight of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Knight of Wands is about ardour. It's about knowing what you want in life and going for it without asking questions.


Professionnally or romantically, you are the ultimate go-getter. You get carried away easily.


You are feeling flat, with zero energy. The delay accumulated in a project has left you feeling exhausted and unmotivated.

Queen of Wands

Minor Arcana


The Queen of Wands is a born seductress. She is familiar with the ins and outs of human passion and desires and knows exactly how to get what she wants.


Don't be afraid to show your confidence to others. You feel good about yourself, you have a magnetic personnality and are very attractive.


You are afraid of putting yourself forward, you don't want to impose. It is hard for you to take on the complexity of your desires.

King of Wands

Minor Arcana


The King of Wands evokes initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. It invites us to use our will power and authority to give birth to our creative vision.


You are the best at what you do. You are a visionnary whose idea can change the world. You have just been thrusted a leadership role.


You are not quite ready to undertake a leadership position. You are waiting for THE big idea. Don't set yourself unrealistic goals, start small.

Ace of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Ace of Cups represents a hand holding an overflowing cup symbol of spiritual power, with a white dove holding the Eucharist descending towards it. This card represents our sensitivity and everything we hold close to our heart.


You would do anything for love. Be kind and generous with the people around you.


You need to open up emotionnally and trust the people around you. You have given too much of yourself and need to think about yourself now.

Two of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Two of Cups is about the concept of equality, at work or in a relationship. This card encourages mutual respect among others and characterises love as an act of healing.


You have found mutual respect in a new relationship. You are flourishing in a balanced, healthy romantic relationship.


You are in an assymetrical relationship. Weither you are the one abusing or the person being abused, this needs to end.

Three of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Three of Cups is about joy, celebration and community, the joy of being together with our loved ones and sharing a moment with them.


Have fun with your friends and family, enjoy the simple moments in their company and celebrate.


You are not feeling very social at the moment, you are feeling disconnected from your friends and family somehow.

Four of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Four of Cups conveys the idea of indifference, stillness and quiet, of our emotions or our environnement.


You are yearning for calm, you need a well-deserved break to meditate and rest.


You are bored, you need a new challenge to stimulate you. Seize an opportunity.

Five of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Five of Cups illustrates regret, and the internal conflicts that can afflict us by representing the eternal dilemma: we can decide to see the cup half full or half empty.


Things didn't go as you hoped they would. You are mourning a loss, a missed opportunity or the end of something you cared about.


You are set on a "no regrets" attitude, ready to act regardless of the consequences. You have forgiven yourself and are now ready to move on from your past mistakes.

Six of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Six of Cups is a card that epitomizes innocence and nostalgia. The blossoming around the cups conveys a blooming affection and spiritual growth.


Reconnect with the child within you. Remember who you wanted to be growing up.


Don’t let old memories prevent you from living in the present.

Seven of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Seven of Cups represents illusion. It invites us to use our wisdom and discernement no to fall in the pitfalls of life.


You are living in your own fantasy, out of reality, or maybe things seem too good to be true. Don't forget to use your discernment in the face of the opportunities coming your way.


You are finally ready to open your eyes on the situation, to dispel the illusion in which you were trapped. It's time to go back to reality.

Eight of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Eight of Cups is all about introspection and connecting with ourselves and our emotions again. It's about that inner journey we all need to take from time to time.


Take some much needed "me time" to escape the hustle of your life and to return to yourself, weither it's throughout silence, yoga or meditation.


It's hard for you to reconnect with your emotions and body. You are staying on the surface of things because you are afraid to withdraw into yourself.

Nine of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Nine of Cups represents the satisfaction, it's about that particular moment in life when all of our needs and desires are met.


You are feeling fullfilled, you don't need anything else in your life at the moment. Enjoy.


You are not there yet. Something is still missing, or maybe you are having a hard time feeling grateful about what you already have. You always want more.

Ten of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Ten of Cups is about pure, simple happiness, it's the next level after satisfaction. But contrary to satisfaction, happiness can be shared with the people around you.


You are living in perfect harmony, you have started a happy and solid family. All is well in the best of worlds.


You are part of a dysfunctional family, you don't feel like you belong and feel like a stranger in your own family.

Page of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Page of Cups embodies epiphanies, new ideas and first emotions. The card encourages us to throw caution to the wind and follow our dreams.


Explore this crazy idea you have in your heart: drawing, writing, singing, whatever it is, don't judge yourself and do it.


You are afraid of being judged or failing. Don't let fear guide your choices and inhibit you.

Knight of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Knight of Cups stands for idealism, love and compassion. He reminds us to listen to our heart and our true values in spite of everything else.


Stand for what you believe in. Live with altruism and compassion as your goal.


You are believing in a mirage. You haven't fought hard enough for a cause dear to your heart, which has left you full of regrets.

Queen of Cups

Minor Arcana


The Queen of Cups is an example of sensitivity and empathy. She rules the suit with both compassion and understanding, and symbolizes the ever changing nature of our subconsicous.


The quality of your listening is such that people come to you for guidance and healing. You are a great friend and partner.


You are feeling on the edge. You need to direct your nurturing skills inward and protect yourself emotionnally if you don't want to get hurt.

King of Cups

Minor Arcana


The King of Cups is about calmness and self-control. It shows a figure at the height of his power ruling with fairness and compassion while still appearing calm and unanxious.


You are in total control of your emotions, and know how to react, when to react. You are excellent at communicating your ideas and emotions to others, you know how to inspire people around you.


Keep calm and don't get overwhelmed by your emotions. Don't let your affect cloud your judgment.

Ace of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Ace of Swords depicts the sword as the crown of consciousness. This card appears whenever you need your intellect to overcome an obstacle, inviting us to enter the realm of reason.


You are opening your mind to new possibilities. Keep your critical mind acute and let your reason guide you.


Use your analytical skills in order to make your decision. You are somehow biased and find it difficult to look at the situation objectively.

Two of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Two of Swords illustrates a conflict in one's psyche, it's about dilemmas and refusal. This usually card shows up when we are about to take an important decision in our life.


You are facing an important dilemma. Take the time you need to reflect before deciding anything.


You have managed to find a compromise. You are opening up to new ideas.

Three of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Three of Swords is a card about heartache and sorrow, about the stabs in the heart anyone can endure in life. This card suggests working through our traumas in order to come out stronger.


You have suffered a deep hurt or maybe a heartbreak recently. You need to let it all out and express your feelings in order to heal and get better.


You are in denial over your sadness, maybe you are just trying to put on a good face. You are your worst ennemy, you are hurting yourself because of your hypercritical nature and low self-worth.

Four of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Four of Swords is about immobility and stillness. It encourages us to rest, meditate in order to make an informed decision on how to move forward.


You are stuck in your routine, mindset and beliefs. By not questionning yourself, you at risk of not evolving.


You are breaking from old patterns and are willing to shatter everything to make a fresh start.

Five of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Five of Swords is about combat, and what we are willing to risk and to lose to reach our goals. One needs to ask himself if the end justifies the means.


You are under fire from critics, or caught in a conflict. You are fighting for your convictions, which is very noble, but remember that not every battle is worth fighting for.


You have been defeated. You are avoiding conflict and feel resentment as a consequence.

Six of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Six of Swords epitomizes the act of leaving and moments of transitions in our life. It shows us how stepping away can be the best solution to get out of a conflict.


Go on a unknown journey, embark on a adventure, or step away to get a new perspective on things. This will help you transition to a better life.


Change is always scary. Your are postponing your travel plans as you find it hard to leave your home and habits.

Seven of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Seven of Swords usually shows up in the game when you are trying to hide something or from something. This card is about deceit and dishonesty.


You are either deceiving someone or being deceived. You are trying to cut corners and get away with something you did. Where is your intergrity?


You have been caught red-handed, and have no other choice but to come clean about what you did. You are a whistle-blower.

Eight of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Eight of Swords is about our beliefs and how they can lock us in or even blind us. This card appears whenever we feel trapped by something, and gives us a liberation opportunity.


Maybe you are stuck in an abusive relationship and feeling helpless. You are good enough, stop questioning yourself!


You are entrapping yourself through self-delusions or limiting ideologies. Give yourself a break, know what's blocking you in order to overcome it.

Nine of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Nine of Swords is a card of worry, doubt and fear realized. It conveys the quiet darkness ready to come out in everyone of us. When it shows up, there is usually much on our plate and we fear that everything will fall apart.


You are going through a lot of anxiety right now, maybe in the form of obsessive thoughts, insomnia or panick attacks even. Try not to overanalyze everything so much.


Let go and stop worrying so much about everything. There is nothing you can do about the situation and you overstressing won't help either. Seek help to the people around you, you don't have to go through this alone.

Ten of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Ten of Swords is about ending and renewal. While you might feel like you have reached your lowest point, this card encourages you to release the past and focus on the future.


It's the end of something. Look at the bright side: there is now room for something fresh and new.


You are harping on your loss, you won't accept that it is over. Let go of the drama, it won't do you any good.

Page of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Page of Swords uses the swords as a weapon for the exploration of thought. It is an encouragement to explore and take some risks in life in order to gain new skills and experience.


Try something new, weither it's a class, a restaurant, a travel. Get out of your comfort zone. The joy lies in the process.


Articulating your thought seems difficult at the moment. Don't be so shy and try to express yourself freely.

Knight of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Knight of Swords is the most energetic card in all of tarot. This card encourages us to take control over our destiny and to determine our own future with the same passion.


Channel your energy to make your projects happen. Be assertive about your opinions and desires.


You don't know where to start with this big project you have, or maybe you are acting impulsively. Slow down and take your time.

Queen of Swords

Minor Arcana


The Queen of Swords is about holding power, and using it to help other people around. She is a figure of intelligence and protection, and can embody a role you are playing or that someone plays in our life.


You are a good decision-maker, you are both assertive in your desires and clear in your choices. You have your head on your shoulders.


Don't lose yourself in the process of helping others even if you what you are trying to achieve is noble. You need to focus on yourself at the moment.

King of Swords

Minor Arcana


The King of Swords represents intellect, action and focus. This card is here to help us remember our true strength and power.


Once you have set a new goal, nothing stands in your way, weither it's a new job, a new challenge or a new romantic conquest.


Maybe you are having trouble making yourself heard within a group, but the project could actually really benefit from your opinion so don't despair and assert your ideas.

Ace of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Ace of Pentacles, just like the suit it opens, is all about the material world, as the pentacle used to be a currency. This card encourages us to stay grounded.


You know how to use your common sense. A new opportunity is reaching out to you, with potential substantial gains at stake.


Things are not concrete enough for you for the time being. This will have you withdraw an offer or reject an opportunity.

Two of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Two of Pentacles is about juggling between two things, and finding balance even in the most difficult situations.


Wow, you sure are a great multitasker. You are focused on the present moment, 100% dedicated to what you do.


Finding your balance is hard at the moment. You are struggling to make ends meet. You are thinking about the future too much, you need to rest and recharge.

Three of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Three of Pentacles is about teamwork and collaboration, and building through a collective effort. It relies on our sense of community to create something beautiful and sustainable.


Seek out collaboration in order to achieve your vision. Team work and a plurality of opinions can only make your project better.


Something is off within the group's dynamic and is making all your efforts seem vain. You need to take upon yourself and talk things out in order to make the project move forward.

Four of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Four of Pentacles is about material possessions and how we strive to keep them. The card raises a question: what's the point of accumulating wealth if not to share it with the people we love?


You know where you stand, firmly anchored to the ground. You are figthing to preserve what you spent a lifetime building.


You are finally ready to cut youself some slack, and to indulge yourself a little. You deserve it!

Five of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


After possession comes bankrupcy. The Five of Pentacles illustrates lack and misery. This reveals the sense of self-worth spiritual possession can give regardless of how much physical possessions your have.


You might be going through a tough time financially. Maybe you just lost your job, or you are struggling with an imponderable bill.


You are finally getting your head out of the water regarding your financial difficulties. You have found a new job, or something to help you overcome this situation.

Six of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Six of Pentacles is about generosity and charity. The card suggests we share what we have with the people less fortunate than us.


Help people in need, you have the means to do so. You are a charitable and generous soul. You have the power to change someone's life.


You have been disinherited, cut off, or you are still waiting for your due. Remember to apply the same charity you use with others with yourself.

Seven of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Seven of Pentacles is about patience, and long term projects fullfillments. It invites us to endure and think of the big picture.


Let time do its work, you will reap the fruits of your labor soon enough. Don't be in a hurry. Don't procrastinate.


You want to go faster than the music, you can't stand to wait another minute. You need to gather yourself as your attention is scattered and unproductive at the moment.

Eight of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Eight of Pentacles is about productivity, and more specifically productivity when it comes to hobbies and art. The card encourages us to pursue our passion project and to respect the craft of others.


You are a workaholic. You need to find yourself a passion project, or pursue the one you already have more consistantly.


You are lacking efficiency, or procrastinating too much. You might be going through a bore-out at work. In any case collect yourself and get things moving again.

Nine of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Nine of Pentacles is about wealth and comfort. It invites us to fully embrace the harvest of our hard work.


Congratulations, you made it! Now you can enjoy the comfort and perks of your wealth without feeling guilty.


Don't become greedy by always wanting more. Yo are living beyond your means. Remember that money cannot buy happiness.

Ten of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Ten of Pentacles illustrates the idea of passing on our knowledge, wisdom or material posessions to others. Once you reached fullfillement, it's the next logical step.


You have succeeded in a way you couldn't even hope for. You are determined to leave a significant heritage to your family so they can have everything they need and more.


You are refusing an heritage as you wan't to break free from your family tradition. You are determined to create your own wealth and succeed on your own.

Page of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Page of Pentacles illustrateq discovery as the beginning of something. It could be the discovery of an opportunity, a technique, a product, anything that could initiate success in our lives.


You are just starting your professionnal career, or you are about to found your startup or are starting a new job. Keep that momentum!


You can't seem to find what you are looking for. You don't want people to see you as a newbie anymore. You are hesitant to embark on a new project, maybe you need to do more research before starting.

Knight of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Knight of Pentacles is all about reliability and responsibility. He is prepared for all eventualities, ready to enact his vision whenever the time is right.


You are a trutsworthy employee, friend and partner, there are no bad surprises with you. You are a very predictable person and take comforts in your habits.


You didn't stick to the plan, or didn't keep your promise, you broke an agreement. You will have to face the consequences.

Queen of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The Queen of Pentacle embodies practical intelligence, common sense, and authority through compassion. She is a very maternal, nurturing figure, who knows to create a comforting, loving and reassuring environment around her.


You are the perfect housewife, your cooking, organizing, gardening and decorating skills are unmatched. You know better than anyone else how to make a cozy nest and to take care of your family.


You are not great at making a home. You are not very skilled, but you are trying hard. You are afraid of not being a good mother, stop putting so much pressure on yourself.

King of Pentacles

Minor Arcana


The King of Pentacles is about dazzling success and material wealth. This card suggests we have authority over our wealth and encourages us to help others gain authority over theirs in the same way.


Your financial successs is such that it allows you to invest and gain even more. You have built an actual empire. Now you can enjoy the fruits of your success and help others around you.


You have done some bad investments, you might be losing money or are in debt. Your business has a significant cash flow arrears and you need to get back on track quickly.

Wand family

Minor Arcana

Cup family

Minor Arcana

Sword family

Minor Arcana

Pentacle family

Minor Arcana

Good Fortune


Good Fortune is a bewitching philter, a magical potion to create your own destiny.